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The Rules
The Rules
1. Game Parameters & Safety
2. Gameplay
3. Scoring
4. Penalties
5. Officiating
The Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby
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The Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby
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1. Game Parameters & Safety
1.1. Timing
1.2. Teams
1.3. Timeouts
1.3.1. Team Timeouts
1.3.2. Official Reviews
1.3.3. Official Timeouts
1.4. Game Information
1.5. Winning
1.5.1. Overtime
2. Gameplay
2.1. The Track
2.2. Skater Roles
2.2.1. Jammers
2.2.2. Lead Jammer
2.2.3. Pivot
2.2.4. Passing the Star
2.2.5. Blockers
2.2.6. Skater Starting Locations
2.3. Pack & Engagement Zone
2.4. Blocks and Assists
2.4.1. Target Zones
2.4.2. Blocking Zones
2.4.3. Counter Blocking
2.4.4. Illegal Blocks and Assists
2.5. Passing
3. Scoring
3.1. Earning Points
3.2. Scoring Trips
3.3. Scoring Avoidance
3.4. Penalized Jammers
3.5. Errors in Scoring & Score Reporting
4. Penalties
4.1. Contact Penalties
4.1.1. Impact to an Illegal Target Zone
4.1.2. Impact with an Illegal Blocking Zone
4.1.3. Other Illegal Contact
4.1.4. Multiplayer Blocks
4.1.5. Unsporting Contact
4.2. Game Structure Penalties
4.2.1. Illegal Positioning
4.2.2. Gaining Position
4.2.3. Interfering with the Flow of the Game
4.2.4. Other Illegal Procedures
4.3. Penalties for Unsporting Conduct (Misconduct)
4.4. Enforcing Penalties
4.4.1. Penalty Enforcement for Blockers
4.4.2. Penalty Enforcement for Jammers
4.4.3. Skaters Unable to Serve Penalties
4.4.4. Protective Gear in the Penalty Box
4.5. Fouling Out & Expulsions
5. Officiating
5.1. Staffing
5.1.1. Distinction
5.1.2. Requirements
5.2. Duties
5.3. Communication Between Skaters & Officials
5.4. Assessing Penalties
1. Game Parameters & Safety
2. Gameplay
2.1. The Track
2.2. Skater Roles
2.2.1. Jammers
2.2.2. Lead Jammer
2.2.3. Pivot
2.2.4. Passing the Star
2.2.5. Blockers
2.2.6. Skater Starting Locations
2.3. Pack & Engagement Zone
2.4. Blocks and Assists
2.5. Passing
3. Scoring
3.1. Earning Points
3.2. Scoring Trips
3.3. Scoring Avoidance
3.4. Penalized Jammers
3.5. Errors in Scoring & Score Reporting
4. Penalties
4.1. Contact Penalties
4.1.1. Impact to an Illegal Target Zone
4.1.2. Impact with an Illegal Blocking Zone
4.1.3. Other Illegal Contact
4.1.4. Multiplayer Blocks
4.1.5. Unsporting Contact
4.2. Game Structure Penalties
4.2.1. Illegal Positioning
4.2.2. Gaining Position
4.2.3. Interfering with the Flow of the Game
4.2.4. Other Illegal Procedures
4.3. Penalties for Unsporting Conduct (Misconduct)
4.4. Enforcing Penalties
4.4.1. Penalty Enforcement for Blockers
4.4.2. Penalty Enforcement for Jammers
4.4.3. Skaters Unable to Serve Penalties
4.4.4. Protective Gear in the Penalty Box
4.5. Fouling Out and Expulsions
5. Officiating
5.1. Staffing
5.2. Duties
5.3. Communication Between Skaters and Officials
5.4. Assessing Penalties
Summary »