4. Penaltys¶
When a Skater commits a rule infraction or a foul, a penalty may be assessed as a punishment, handicap, or loss of advantage. Penalties are applied to both a Skater and the Role that Skater is currently playing.
Officials signalisieren und sprechen Penaltys und Warnungen aus, wie sie im Spiel auftreten. Penaltys sollten nicht für Aktionen vergeben werden, die wenig bis keinen Einfluss auf das Spiel oder die Skater haben.
Die nachfolgenden Arten von Penaltys werden sowohl in den Abschnitten weiter unten, als auch im Casebook, das zu den Regeln für Flat-Track-Roller-Derby gehört, im Detail beschrieben. Diese Abschnitte enthalten spezifische Beispiele, denen explizit zu folgen ist.
Illegale Aktionen, die nicht klar in eine der nachfolgenden Kategorien fallen, sollten mithilfe der Beschreibungen und Beispiele als Richtlinien bestraft werden.
Opponent’s Illegal Action
Falls eine illegale Aktion einen Gegner dazu zwingt, ebenfalls eine illegale Aktion auszuführen, dann wird der Gegner kein Penalty für die unvermeidbare verbotene Aktion erhalten. Der erste Skater sollte für seine verbotene Aktion bestraft werden, wenn diese genug Einfluss auf das Spiel hatte.
4.1. Kontakt-Penaltys¶
Dass man eine bessere Position gegenüber einem Gegner erlangt oder einen Gegner in eine schlechtere Position gegenüber einem anderen Mitspieler zwingt, indem man illegalen Kontakt herstellt, wird immer als ausreichend hoher Einfluss auf das Spiel angesehen.
Star Passes may only be blocked by legal means. Skaters who prevent a Star Pass using illegal contact should be penalized.
4.1.1. Kontakt mit einer illegalen Target-Zone¶
Making contact to an Illegal Target Zone should be penalized based on the impact it has on the target (see Abschnitt 2.4.1).
Illegal Target Zones
Illegal Target Zones include:
Back of the body, including the back of the buttocks and the back of the thighs
Head, down to the collarbone
Legs, from below mid-thigh to the wheels of the skate

Abb. 4.1 Legale Target-Zonen¶
Illegal Target Zones Penalized Regardless of Impact
For safety reasons, avoidable forceful contact to the back, or any forceful contact to the head or neck should be penalized regardless of impact.
Initiation with an Illegal Target Zone
A Skater suddenly presenting an Illegal Target Zone to an opponent, giving that opponent no reasonable opportunity to avoid illegal contact, is considered to be initiating with that target zone.
4.1.2. Kontakt mit einer illegalen Blocking-Zone¶
Making contact with an Illegal Blocking Zone should be penalized based on the impact it has on the target (see Abschnitt 2.4.2).
Illegal Blocking Zones
Illegal Blocking Zones include:
Head, down to the collarbone
Forearm, from the point of the elbow to the fingertips
Legs, from below mid-thigh to the wheels of the skate
Forearms are considered a Legal Blocking Zone when they are held close against the initiator’s torso.

Abb. 4.2 Legale Blocking-Zonen¶
Illegal Blocking Zone Impact Examples
Examples of sufficient impact to warrant a penalty from using an Illegal Blocking Zone include, but are not limited to:
The contact puts an opponent significantly off balance;
The contact significantly alters an opponent’s trajectory or speed (for example, significantly holding them back);
The contact with an opponent allows the Skater to maintain an In Bounds position (that otherwise would not have been maintained); or
The contact with an opponent allows the Skater to maintain an Upright position (that otherwise would not have been maintained).
Illegal Blocking Zones Penalized Regardless of Impact
The following types of contact / blocks should be penalized regardless of the impact on the target.
Forceful contact initiated with the head or neck
Intentional use of the head or neck to positionally block
4.1.3. Other Illegal Contact¶
Initiating a block is legal when a Skater is moving counterclockwise, in play, upright, and in bounds during a Jam using Legal Contact Zones.
Accordingly, Skaters cannot initiate a block while Down, Out of Bounds, Out of Play, airborne, stopped, or skating clockwise. Skaters also cannot initiate a block on opponents who are Down, fully Out of Bounds, or Out of Play. Skaters may initiate a block on an opponent who is straddling the track boundary, stopped, or skating clockwise.
Actively maintaining a stopped position which impedes an opponent should be penalized regardless of the initiator of the contact.
Initiation of assists should be held to the same metrics as that of blocking, with the exception of assisting a downed teammate to return to an Upright position.
4.1.4. Multiplayer Blocks¶
Skaters may not form a wall by linking with or grasping a teammate, or otherwise forming an impenetrable connection. This action warrants a penalty if an opponent attempts to get between them and fails to do so due to the illegal formation.
4.1.5. Unsporting Contact¶
Some contact is considered unsporting, either because it falls outside the boundaries of expected normal gameplay or is inherently unsafe. Examples of such actions include:
Pinning an opponent, such as between an appendage and the body, or by hooking a limb around an opponent’s limb
Engaging in dangerous and illegal actions that pose a substantial hazard to oneself or another
Intentional and forceful jabbing with elbows or knees
Legal means of blocking do not include pinning or holding an opponent, even if the contact is made using legal Blocking Zones. Skaters who restrict opponents in this way should be penalized based on how the contact impacts a receiver’s safety.
4.2. Spielablauf-Penaltys¶
Wenn gegen grundsätzliche Regeln des Spiels in einer solchen Art verstoßen wird, dass es einem Team einen Vorteil verschafft, dann sollte die Person oder das Team, das gegen die Regel verstößt, bestraft werden.
Ein Team gewinnt einen Vorteil, wenn eine verbotene Aktion Folgendes zur Folge hat:
An opponent becoming (or remaining) unable to block
A gain of position or a teammate’s gain of position
The game flow being altered
4.2.1. Illegal Positioning¶
Failure to Maintain a Pack
If a Skater’s illegal action destroys the Pack, or if a Skater’s actions prevent or delay the reformation of a Pack, that Skater should be penalized.
Skaters in an Unblockable Position
It is illegal to adopt or maintain a position in which one cannot be blocked. Skaters may not intentionally leave the track, nor may Blockers intentionally leave the Engagement Zone. While there are many legal actions that would cause a Skater to be put into an illegal position (for example, Out of Bounds or Out of Play), intentionally adopting such a position is illegal. It is legal for Jammers and Pivots to either leave the track or adopt a Down position to retrieve an Out of Bounds helmet cover. A Skater who is illegally positioned must immediately act to regain a legal position.
Skaters With Reason to Believe they are Legally Positioned
Wenn ein Skater einen Grund hat, zu glauben, dass er sich in einer legalen Position befindet (auch wenn er dies nicht ist), oder einen Grund hat, zu glauben, dass er nicht regelkonform in eine legale Position zurückkommen kann, so muss er gewarnt werden, bevor ein Penalty gegen ihn verhängt wird, weil er nicht in eine legale Position zurückkehrt.
Skaters Illegally Positioned at Jam Start
If a Skater is not legally positioned at the start of a Jam, the Skater must immediately Yield position to all Skaters in the vicinity. Failing to do so after a warning is considered to be intentionally maintaining an illegal position and should be penalized.
4.2.2. Seine Position verbessern¶
It is illegal for a Skater to use the Out of Bounds area to gain position on someone who is Upright and In Bounds. This action is referred to as „cutting the track.“ Skaters who are Out of Bounds must return in bounds behind any Upright and In Bounds Skater who they were behind when they left the track. The position of Downed Skaters is not assessed until they are Upright.
If there is a Pack, Skaters who are Out of Bounds may return In Bounds in front of any Out of Play Skaters. If there is no Pack, Skaters who are Out of Bounds may return In Bounds in front of any Skaters more than 20 ft (6.10 m) from the last defined Pack.
Cutting one single teammate does not have enough impact to warrant a penalty.
Skaters Returning to the Track
Skaters who intentionally, but legally, leave the track (examples include to report to the Penalty Box or to fix equipment) must return to the track behind all in-play Blockers. If there is no Pack, they must return to the track behind all Blockers within 20 ft (6.10 m) of the last defined Pack. Skaters returning to the track from the Penalty Box must do so without illegally gaining position.
Skaters Out of Bounds Due to a Block
If a Skater is put Out of Bounds due to an opponent’s block, the Skater must return In Bounds behind that opponent, even if the Skater was in front of the opponent before being blocked. That opponent gives up this advantage if they go Down, Out of Bounds, or Out of Play (or more than 20 ft [6.10 m] from the last defined Pack if there is no Pack) prior to the Skater reentering the track. Skaters other than the initiator of the block are able to reestablish their superior position if they are Upright, In Bounds, and In Play before the Skater returns to the track.
Ceding Illegal Position
Skaters who illegally reenter the track may immediately Cede by returning fully Out of Bounds.
4.2.3. Interfering with the Flow of the Game¶
All efforts should be made by teams and Officials to ensure that the period clock runs according to the rules of the game, and that Jams start and end as specified in the rules. Any inappropriate action that interferes with the game—including causing the period clock to stop, preventing a Jam from starting, or ending a Jam prematurely—should be penalized.
Examples of inappropriate actions include, but are not limited to:
Penalized Skaters not in the Penalty Box at the Jam start
Skaters queued for the Penalty Box not on the track at the Jam start
No Blockers from one team on the track at the Jam start
All Blockers from one team entirely out of position at the Jam start
Either team not fielding a Jammer for the Jam
A team fielding too many Skaters during a Jam which results in an advantage that cannot be removed by the removal of the extra Skater(s)
A team successfully requesting a Team Timeout when they have none remaining
A team member who is neither the Captain nor the Alternate successfully requesting a Team Timeout or Official Review
Officials and Skaters should work together to ensure that the game flows according to the rules.
4.2.4. Weitere technische Fouls¶
Skaters who violate the rules of the game should be penalized if the violation has a significant impact on the game. Examples of this are listed in the Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby Casebook; however, Skaters and Officials should work to ensure that the rules are followed as swiftly as possible, and to rectify any illegal or potentially illegal play before it has sufficient impact on the game to warrant penalization. Nevertheless, if a technical violation by one team results in an advantage, this should be penalized.
4.3. Penalties for Unsporting Conduct (Misconduct)¶
All participants in a game of roller derby must be respectful of one another. This includes but is not limited to Skaters, Team Staff, Officials, mascots, event staff, and spectators. When Skaters or Team Staff behave in an unsporting manner, their misconduct should be penalized accordingly.
Misconduct can take many forms and does not have to be intentional to be considered unsporting. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Deceiving or ignoring Officials
Disrespectful contact or conduct directed at another participant
Forceful contact to an Official, where that contact is negligent or avoidable
Being abusive toward another person
Failure to abide by Governing Body policies during the game pertaining to Skaters, Team Staff, and the immediate play area
Actions which seriously undermine the legitimacy of the sport or display a lack of respect for the sport, its execution, and those who contribute to it may also be penalized.
4.4. Penaltys durchsetzen¶
Upon completion of the correct verbal cue and hand signal from an Official, the penalized Skater must immediately leave the track. Upon sitting in any seat in the Penalty Box, the Skater’s penalty time begins. Skaters serve 30 seconds of Jam time for each penalty assessed to them. The final 10 seconds of their penalty time must be served while standing.
Wenn ein Skater zu früh aufsteht, wird die Strafzeit angehalten, bis sich der Skater wieder hinsetzt.
Wenn ein Skater nicht in der Art und Weise steht, dass es für Officials, Skater und Zuschauer klar ist, dass er die letzten 10 Sekunden der Strafzeit absitzt, stoppt die Zeit, bis er wirklich steht.
Penalties are only timed while a Jam is in progress. Penalty timing is paused between Jams, and timing for Skaters who sit between Jams does not begin until the start of the following Jam.
Niemand darf den Penalty-Box-Bereich betreten, außer Officials und Skater, die Penaltys absitzen.
4.4.1. Vollzug von Penaltys für Blocker¶
No more than two Blockers for the same team may sit in the Penalty Box at the same time. If a third Blocker reports to the Penalty Box while two Blockers for their team are seated, the third Blocker will be placed In Queue and instructed to return to play. If a Blocker is standing in the Penalty Box, another Blocker may sit in the open seat.
A Blocker In Queue may return to the Penalty Box when there is space in the Penalty Box, unless doing so would destroy the Pack. A Blocker must immediately return if instructed to do so by an Official. Once a Blocker In Queue returns to the track, they should be treated like any other unpenalized Blocker.
4.4.2. Vollzug von Penaltys für Jammer¶
Die Strafzeit eines Jammers kann sich verkürzen, wenn der andere Jammer ebenfalls ein Penalty erhält. In diesem Fall sitzen die beiden Jammer so wenig Zeit wie möglich ab, solange:
The two Jammers serve an equivalent amount of penalty time, per penalty
Whenever possible given point 1, there is at least one Jammer who is not serving a penalty
Jammer, die wegen eines Penaltys des anderen Jammers entlassen werden, werden schnellstmöglich entlassen, sobald der andere Jammer sitzt. Wenn beide Jammer gleichzeitig sitzen, dann werden beide Jammer sofort entlassen.
Jammers Seated Between Jams
If one Jammer sits between Jams, the other Jammer should be released at the start of the next Jam. If both Jammers sit between Jams, they should both be released at the start of the next Jam.
Jammers Sent to the Box with No Opposing Jammer
Wenn ein Jammer in die Penalty-Box geschickt wird, falls kein gegnerischer Jammer im Spiel ist (beispielsweise, weil der gegnerische Jammer ein Problem mit der Ausrüstung hat), dann wird der Jam beendet, sobald der Jammer sitzt. Dies stellt sicher, dass es immer einen Jammer gibt, der kein Penalty absitzt.
4.4.3. Skaters Unable to Serve Penalties¶
If a Skater is assessed a penalty but unable to serve it—for example, due to an injury or an equipment malfunction—a substitute may serve in their place once the Jam ends. In this case, the Skater who was unable to serve their own penalty may not skate for the following three Jams. (see Abschnitt 1.2)
4.4.4. Protective Gear in the Penalty Box¶
Skaters may remove their mouthguard, but no other protective gear, while seated in the Penalty Box. Skaters must replace their mouthguard prior to leaving the Penalty Box.
4.5. Foul-out und Spielverweis¶
Foul Outs
When seven penalties are recorded for a Skater, that Skater fouls out of the game. This includes penalties assessed to a Skater on behalf of someone else (examples include penalties assessed to a Captain or a Blocker on behalf of their team).
Expulsions are a way to penalize a Skater or Team Staff who has committed an act that is sufficiently dangerous or unsporting as to remove the individual from the game for that action alone. Negligent, intentional, or reckless actions should be considered for expulsion independently of their impact. A substitute must serve the penalty for an expelled Skater. If a Non-Skater is expelled, the team’s Captain will serve the penalty when possible (as a Blocker), but no penalty will be recorded for the Captain.
The Head Referee is the only Official with the authority to expel a Skater, manager, coach or similar Team Staff. Other Officials may recommend expulsions to the Head Referee.
Timing Skaters Removed From Play
In the event that a Skater is to be removed from play (either due to fouling out or expulsion), that Skater’s penalty time should begin as soon as possible. Timing for a fouled-out Skater begins either when the Skater (or an appropriate substitute between Jams) is seated in the Penalty Box, or after the foul out is confirmed between Officials during the Jam. If a Skater is removed from the game mid-Jam, their penalty will be timed as if a Skater were seated even though there is no Skater formally in the Box.
In the event a Skater is to be removed from play mid-Jam and would be In Queue upon reporting to the Penalty Box, that Skater should not be instructed to return to play. Instead they should be instructed to remain standing beside the Penalty Box until a seat opens and their penalty time can begin.
Substitutions for Skaters Removed from Play
If the Jam ends before the time is complete, the Skater’s team must be given the opportunity to substitute a different Skater to serve the remainder of the penalty in the same Role as the removed Skater. Substitutions may not occur during the Jam in which the Skater is removed.