1. Paramètres du match et sécurité¶
1.1. Structure¶
A game lasts for 60 minutes of play, divided into two 30-minute periods with a halftime between them. Periods are broken into Jams, which are the basic unit of play for roller derby.
Un Jam peut durer jusqu’à deux minutes. Les Jams peuvent être arrêtés avant ces deux minutes dans le cadre du jeu, tel que décrit ci-dessous. Chaque Jam commence par un coup de sifflet court et se termine à la fin d’une série de quatre coups de sifflet courts. Au moins 30 secondes doivent s’écouler entre les Jams. Plus de 30 secondes peuvent s’écouler si un temps mort est demandé.
A period starts on the Jam-Starting Whistle of the first Jam for that period. The period clock does not stop between Jams unless a timeout is called. If the period clock reaches zero before the next Jam has started, the period ends at that moment; otherwise, the period ends at the conclusion of the final Jam for the period.
If a Jam is called off due to officiating discretion (see Section 5.2) or there is an officiating error that potentially impacted the outcome (as in winner/loser) of the game, and there are less than 30 seconds remaining on the period clock at the end of the game (including when the period clock has expired), an additional Jam may be run at the discretion of the Head Referee. This additional Jam will have the same form (Overtime or not; see Section 1.5.1) as the Jam that ended and be part of the same period.
1.2. Équipes¶
A team is comprised of Skaters, who must be uniquely identified by a roster number. Each team must have a jersey of the same base color, such that uniform colors of the two teams playing are of high contrast. Roster numbers must be clearly displayed on a Skater’s back and upper arm areas. Each team must have helmet covers to clearly indicate who their Jammer and Pivot are. The Jammer and Pivot helmet covers for the two teams must be easy to differentiate.
Skaters must wear quad-style roller skates and protective gear during play. Inline skates are not permitted. Protective gear may not be removed during play. Protective gear may not impair or interfere with the safety or play of other Skaters, support staff, or Officials.
Skaters who are injured during play may return to play as long as they are no longer apparently injured or bleeding. A Skater whose injury alters the flow of the game (examples include a Jam being called off, a period clock stoppage, or a substitute being seated in the Penalty Box) may not participate during the following three Jams (extending into the following period if necessary). A Skater whose injury alters the flow of the game more than once in a period may not participate as a Skater for the rest of that period. The Head Referee may also declare that a team has forfeited the game if that team has five or fewer Skaters eligible to participate, or refuses to field Skaters on the track to continue play.
1.3. Temps morts (Timeouts)¶
Teams and Officials may stop the period clock by calling a timeout. Timeouts may only be called between Jams, though Officials may end a Jam in order to call an Official Timeout. The beginning of a timeout is marked by four short whistle blasts, and the end of a timeout is marked by a long rolling whistle, after which the next Jam begins as soon as possible if there is time remaining on the period clock. At most, 30 seconds may pass before the next Jam begins. The period clock starts again at the Jam-Starting Whistle.
Il existe trois types de Timeouts.
1.3.1. Temps mort d’équipe (Team Timeouts, TTO)¶
Each team has three timeouts that they can take during the game. Team Timeouts may be requested only by the team’s Captain or Designated Alternate. Penalized Captains or Designated Alternates cannot request a Team Timeout. Team Timeouts last for 60 seconds.
1.3.2. Révisions d’arbitrage (Official Review, OR)¶
Each team begins the period with one Official Review which they may use during that period. An Official Review is a formal request made by a team’s Captain or Designated Alternate for Officials to review a specific officiating decision. The only officiating decisions that can be the subject of an Official Review are those made during the prior Jam, or during the lineup time preceding the prior Jam. The Head Referee investigates the review with other Officials, and uses the information gathered to render a decision on the item under review, as well as related decisions. The Head Referee then announces their findings and any changes that result from the review to both teams” representatives. This decision is final and not reviewable.
Si le·la Head Referee détermine qu’une erreur d’arbitrage a été faite en relation avec la situation en cours d’examen, l’équipe conservera le privilège de demander une révision supplémentaire plus tard au cours de la même période. La révision ne peut être conservée de cette manière qu’une seule fois par période.
A team may also elect to use their Official Review as a Team Timeout. In this case, the review will not be retained. Penalized Captains or Designated Alternates cannot request an Official Review.
Official Reviews (whether unused or retained) are not carried forward to the subsequent period.
1.3.3. Temps morts d’arbitrage (Official Timeouts, OTO)¶
Les Officiel·les peuvent prendre un timeout (OTO) afin de s’assurer que le match se déroule normalement et correctement. Si le dernier Jam se termine avec moins de 30 secondes sur le chronomètre de période lorsque les Officiel·les prennent un OTO, un Jam supplémentaire ne sera pas obligatoirement lancé comme cela se passe après un TTO ou un OR. Dans ce cas, les Officiel·les doivent déterminer s’il y a ou non une raison pour lancer un autre Jam dans cette période. Si les Officiel·les déterminent qu’il n’y a aucune raison de lancer un autre Jam, les deux équipes auront la possibilité de demander un TTO ou un OR (si elles en ont encore). Si elles ne le font pas, la période sera terminée.
1.4. Informations du match¶
Les informations essentielles du match doivent être affichées de façon à être clairement visibles pour les équipes, Officiel·les et spectateur·rices. Ces informations affichées sont considérées comme officielles et doivent inclure, au minimum :
The period clock
The Jam clock
The Official Score
Les erreurs de chronomètre ou de score doivent être corrigées le plus vite possible. Si une erreur persiste pendant une période de temps prolongée, elle doit être corrigée uniquement si cela a un impact limité sur le match.
1.5. Victoire¶
L’équipe qui a le plus de points à la fin du match remporte le match.
1.5.1. Prolongation¶
Si le match se termine sur une égalité, la seconde période sera prolongée au minimum par un Jam supplémentaire. Ce Jam de prolongation ressemble à n’importe quel autre Jam, avec deux variantes :
No Lead Jammer is declared
Both Jammers begin scoring on their first trip through the Pack (each Jammer is in position to lap the opposing Blockers on their first earned pass of those Blockers)
D’autres Jams de prolongations seront joués de cette manière jusqu’à ce qu’un Jam se termine sur un score n’étant plus à égalité.