5. Arbitrage¶
5.1. Effectif d’arbitrage¶
Chaque match doit être doté de suffisamment d’Officiel·les sur patins (Ref) pour pouvoir suivre efficacement en temps réel les informations suivantes :
The location of the Pack and Engagement Zone
Which Blockers are Out of Play
Who the Jammers are
Which Jammer (if any) is Lead Jammer
How many points each Jammer has scored
One Referee is designated the Head Referee. In addition to their authority on matters such as communications with Teams and expulsions, it is also the Head Referee’s responsibility to oversee the safety of all participants during a game. In instances where a Skater has repeatedly proven to be a significant safety concern to themselves or others on the track, the Head Referee may use their discretion to remove that Skater from play without the necessity of an expulsion.
5.1.1. Identification¶
Les Refs sont en charge de l’appréciation et la mise en application des pénalités, ils·elles doivent être en patins et doivent porter un uniforme qui les identifie clairement comme étant des Refs. Les Refs doivent se différencier les un·es des autres ; par exemple en portant un nom ou un numéro sur leur uniforme.
5.1.2. Besoins¶
Each game must also staff enough Officials to effectively track the state of the game such that the rules can be enforced in real time. The number, role, and positioning of Officials may vary based on available technology and the limitations of the venue, but the following information must be available upon request:
The Official Score
The Official Jam Time
The Official Period Time
Which Skaters have been assessed how many penalties, and which have been served
Which Skaters are not allowed to skate (for example, due to expulsion, fouling out, or having a Jam called for their injury)
How long a given Skater has been seated for each penalty
Plusieurs missions peuvent être confiées à un·e seul Officiel·le tant que cela ne met pas en péril la justesse des informations susmentionnées.
5.2. Missions¶
Tou·tes les Officiel·les sont garant·es du bon déroulement du match et de la sécurité en veillant au bon respect des règles du jeu. Ceci comprend mais ne se limite pas à :
Ensuring that each team has an acceptable number of Skaters on the track
Ensuring that each team has an acceptable number of Skaters in certain positions on the track
Ensuring that the game is played legally
Timing Jams, Periods, penalties, and the time between Jams (including timeouts and reviews)
Signaling the starts and ends of Jams
Signaling who is the Lead Jammer
Signaling how many points each Jammer earns on each trip through the Pack
Informing Skaters and Team Staff of the state of the game when asked (to the best of their ability given the constraints of their responsibilities)
Calling Official Timeouts when additional time is needed; this may include a need to ensure that:
Game information has been correctly recorded
Gameplay is safe
Injured Skaters have been taken care of
The teams are informed regarding anything out of order
Officials may call off Jams at their discretion. Reasons may include but are not limited to injury, technical difficulty, interference in a Jam by spectators or other Skaters, unsafe play, or illegal play that cannot be rectified via penalty assessment.
5.3. Communication entre les Patineur·ses et les Officiel·les¶
All communication between Skaters, Team Staff, and Officials must be respectful. The Head Referee may, at their discretion, limit the extent to which Skaters may communicate with Officials.
Communication of In Play Status
Officials should provide any information necessary for a Skater to know whether they are In Play, including the location of the Pack. Skaters who reasonably believe that they are In Play should not be penalized for technical infractions that pertain to being Out of Play, unless such a warning has been given (examples include failure to return to play, to reform a Pack, or to Yield after committing a false start).
Erroneous Official Communication
If an Official provides erroneous information to a Skater, the Skater will not be penalized for actions taken based on that information. For example, if a Penalty Box Official releases a Skater early, the Skater will not be penalized for leaving once released. Likewise, if a Jammer calls off a Jam while their Jammer Referee is indicating that they are the Lead Jammer, said Jammer will not be penalized for calling off the Jam illegally, even if they are not in fact Lead. An absence of information provided (for example, an Official not providing a warning) is not considered erroneous.
5.4. Attribuer des pénalités¶
All Referees may assess penalties to Skaters for illegal actions that have impact on the game. Non-Skating Officials may assess penalties that are relevant to their role as an official in the game, unless prohibited from doing so by the Head Referee. Officials will use their judgment under the guidelines set forth in the Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby Casebook.
Penalties must be assessed as soon as possible and at a volume sufficient to be heard by the penalized Skater and relevant Officials given the constraints of the venue. Until this has occurred, nobody is required to behave as if the Skater has been penalized.
Certainty Required to Assess Penalties
Aucune pénalité ne doit être attribuée si l’Officiel·le n’est pas certain·e que la pénalité est justifiée. Si les Officiel·les n’arrivent pas à se mettre d’accord pour savoir si une action nécessite d’être pénalisée, la décision du·de la Head Referee prévaut.
Assessing Penalties to the Only Blocker from a Team on the Track
Si le·la dernier·ère Bloqueur·se d’une équipe à être sur la piste commet une pénalité, le·la Bloqueur·se ne doit pas être envoyé·e hors de la piste tant qu’un·e autre Bloqueur·se de cette équipe n’a pas rejoint le Pack.
Penalties with Uncertain Recipients
If a penalty is warranted, but it is not clear to whom the penalty should be assessed, an Official should assess the penalty to the nearest Blocker from the appropriate team if the action is committed mid-Jam, or to the team’s Captain if the action is committed between Jams. If an Official is not certain which team is responsible, no penalty should be assessed.
Penalties Assessed to Off Skates Staff
If off-skates Team Staff commit a penalty, the penalty should be assessed to the appropriate team’s Captain.
Penalties Assessed to Team Captains
If a penalty is assessed to a Captain due to the fact that they are the Captain, they will serve the penalty in the next jam in which they are able to serve as a Blocker.